WRK 4th-5th Grade
New City Catechism Q&A 7
WRK Kinder-3rd Grade
Gospel Project
Scripture Memory
“For Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly grief produces death.”
2 Corinthians 7:10
Click here for some motions to help with memorization. Click here to print off the verse.
The People Promised to be Faithful (Nehemiah 9-10)
Bible Story Summary: Nehemiah led God’s people in Judah to confess their sin to God. They read His Word, prayed, and worshiped Him. The people remembered God’s faithfulness in the past. They promised to be faithful and worship only God.
Big Picture Q&A: How should we feel when we sin? When we sin, we should feel sorry that we have disobeyed God and want to turn from our sin because we love Him.
Christ Connection: God’s people remembered all He had done and promised to be faithful. God is gracious and compassionate. All along, God has been faithful to people who are unfaithful. We experience God’s grace and compassion in Jesus, who gave His life so we can receive mercy and life forever.
Family Discussion Starters:
How did Nehemiah lead God’s people to repent?
What were some of the things that the people remembered God doing for them?
Family Activity: Look through family photos to recount special occasions. Share stories and memories with one another. End the time by thanking God for the memories He has given your family and the reminders of His faithfulness.
WRL 3-5 Year Olds
The Young Hero and the Terrible Giant
Pg. 122-129 | 1 Samuel 17 | Video
Introduction: David was a small child facing a giant. In this moment, David’s strength did not come from within but from God. David trusted God and this enabled him to save the people of Israel. We, like David, need to look to God in faith for rescue because our own strength is not enough.
Big Truth: God sent a Savior
Our hearts are broken and our world is broken. Because we can’t fix things, we need a savior to make things right and restore relationships. Thankfully, God sent Jesus and the victory over sin and death is already won!
Activity: Reenact the story with your family members playing different parts. Have some of them play the role of the Israelites, one play David, and one play the giant. Emphasize the fear of the people and that God was the one who saves. Remind them that it was God’s strength, not David’s courage, that saved them.
WRL 2 Year Olds
Daniel and the Very Hungry Lion
Daniel was faithful to God, even when facing scary consequences. He knew that God was bigger than his circumstances and obeying God was more important than obeying a rule that went against honoring God. We can pray for God to help us trust and obey him like Daniel did.
Play: As a family, act out the story of Daniel and the Lions’ Den. Some can be lions. Someone can play Daniel. Someone else can be the king. Talk through the story and play out the roles.
WRL 1 Year Olds
Let There Be Light: An Opposites Primer
Our Littles heard about opposites today and passages that relate to them throughout the Bible (dark vs. light – Jn 1:1-4; above vs. below – Pr 8:28-29; etc.). As you go throughout the week, tell your Littles that God said His creation is good. Point out different things in the world God created and emphasize that they are good, including your child!
WRL Babies
People at church sing, talk to God, and listen to Bible Stories.
This week’s biblical concept for our babies is “People at church sing, talk to God, and listen to Bible stories.” It is a healthy and important practice that we gather as a church community each week, and it’s good for our babies to experience this rhythm of our lives. As you talk about church throughout the week, explain to your Littles that you attend church in order to worship God and be encouraged by other Christians.