WRK 4th-5th Grade
New City Catechism Q&A 21

Q&A 21: What sort of Redeemer is needed to bring us back to God? One who is truly human and also truly God.

Memory Verse: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

A Redeemer who was fully God and fully human was needed to reconcile man to God. This lesson aims to help the kids understand that God planned to send a Redeemer who was both fully God and fully man. We discussed how Jesus is one person with two natures.

WRK Kinder-3rd Grade
Gospel Project

Scripture Memory

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

John 1:29

Click here for some motions to help with memorization. Click here to print off the verse.

Jesus Called His Disciples  (John 1)

Bible Story Summary: When Andrew, one of John’s disciples, heard that Jesus was the Lamb of God, he followed Jesus. Andrew told his brother, Simon, he found the Messiah and brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus also called Philip to follow Him. Then Philip found Nathanael and told him to come and see Jesus, the Messiah. Nathanael said Jesus is the Son of God.

Big Picture Q&A: What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.

Christ Connection: Jesus, the Son of God and true King of Israel, came to earth to show what God is like and to save people from their sins. He called disciples to follow Him. We are Jesus’ disciples when we trust in Him. We can invite everyone to come and see the good news about Jesus.

Family Discussion Starters:

  • Which disciples did Jesus call in this story?

  • What qualities made Jesus a good leader?

  • How can we follow the examples of Jesus’ disciples?

Family Activity: Host a family dance party. Call out the name of a family member to show off her unique dance moves and have the rest of the family imitate those moves. Allow each family member to lead the dance party at least once. Talk with kids about what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

WRL 3-5 Year Olds
Scripture Memory

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Ephesians 4:32

He’s Here!

Pg. 176-183 | Luke 1-2 | Video

Introduction: Jesus is here! He is the One that Israel had watched and waited for. He is the Great Rescuer in God’s story. Jesus was born in a stable and His task of rescuing the whole world looked impossible. Isaiah had prophesied that the king to come would not have a palace, but would be a servant to all.

Big Truth: God Sent a Savior

Our hearts are broken and our world is broken. Because we can’t fix things, we need a savior to make things right and restore relationships. Thankfully, God sent Jesus and the victory over sin and death is already won!

Activity: Sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus and throw a party if you’d like! Remind your child that Jesus was God, but He was born just like us. The Rescuer of the world was born as a baby!


WRL 2 Year Olds
The House that went Splat!

Today we read The House that went Splat! by Steph Williams and learned that God wants us to learn from Jesus. This comes from the parable found in Matthew 7:24-27

“Jesus taught the crowds how to follow God and love others. Some people seemed to listen and called him their “Lord,” yet they did not really care about doing what God wants and did not do what Jesus taught. He said that when these people expect to be welcomed into God’s world in heaven, he will tell them that he never knew them. After saying this, Jesus told this story about two builders, who, he said, represent those who listen and respond to his words, and those who listen but don’t do anything in response.” Notes for Grown-Ups

Sing: Sing The Wise Man Built His House

Play: Allow your kids to build things with ledges and see which ones stand strong and which go splat!


WRL 1 Year Olds
Big Theology for Little Hearts: JESUS

Our lesson for Sunday was “Jesus loves me” and we read JESUS by Devon Provencher.

Through this lesson, we learned about Jesus’ deity, incarnation, atonement, and resurrection, as well as that he’s king, the Son of God, rescuer, sinless, prophet, and priest.

As you go throughout your week, notice when you encounter the different aspects of who Jesus is and point those truths out to your child. Have a fun dance session with this song.

WRL Babies
God hears me.

This week’s lesson for our babies is “God hears me.” Just like your child can hear your voice, God can hear her voices as well. Talk with talk with your child and as she “talks” back, tell her how much you love hearing her voice. Tell her that God also loves to hear her voice and she can talk to Him at anytime. Pray the Lord’s Prayer over your child, demonstrating a way we can pray to God, trusting that He hears us.