WRK 4th-5th Grade
How to Memorize Anything

This Sunday we celebrated our 5th graders as they promoted to the Student Ministry! For the month of June, it will just be the 4th graders in class. We will spend these Sundays learning lessons from a book called, The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the roots and shoots of faith by Champ Thornton. This Sunday, we learned how to memorize anything (pg. 82-84).

Big Idea: God has given our brains the amazing ability to memorize information. We can use this ability to glorify God by what we choose to memorize.

We learned about and practiced three different ways of memorizing.

  1. Combine Unconnected Facts – it’s easier to recall new facts when we connect them to things we already know. (i.e. we can memorize the colors of the rainbow by remembering Roy G Biv.)
  2. Imagine a Picture – connect what you’re trying to memorize with an image (i.e. If you meet someone named Lydia, you can picture her wearing a hat or “lid”.
  3. Write It Out – When memorizing verses, for example, write out the verses on a card, then rewrite it, but this time, only writing down the first letter of each word. The letters will connect your mind to the words of the verse.

Challenge for the month of June: We are challenging each other this month to memorize the books of the Bible! (If your child has already memorized the books, he or she can memorize Psalm 1, Psalm 23, and Psalm 100).

WRK Kinder-3rd Grade
Gospel Project

Scripture Memory

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.”

Hebrews 4:15

Click here for some motions to help with memorization. Click here to print off the verse.

Jesus is our Perfect Prophet (Deuteronomy 18)

Bible Story Summary: Moses was a prophet of Israel and spoke God’s words to the people. Moses told the Israelites that God would raise up a greater Prophet and the people should listen to Him. Moses warned against false prophets whose words will not come true. God kept His promise to send the perfect Prophet whose words give life.

Big Picture Q&A: How is Jesus the perfect Priest? Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for sin, and He speaks to God the Father for us today.

Christ Connection: Jesus is the perfect and final Prophet God promised to send. Jesus is the Word who became a man. He came into the world not only to tell people God’s message but to bring people to God through His death and resurrection.

Family Discussion Starters:

  • How was Jesus similar to the prophets who came before Him?
  • How was Jesus greater than the prophets who came before Him?

Family Activity: Design a family newspaper. Assign each family member to report on certain aspects of your life this week. This might include dinner menus, family activities, or interviews with family members. Talk with kids about the good news that came through Jesus, our perfect Prophet.

WRL 3-5 Year Olds
Scripture Memory

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

2 Corinthians 5:17

A Giant Staircase to Heaven

Pg. 48-55 | Genesis 11

Introduction: One day, people decided to build a giant staircase all the way up to heaven. Those building the tower were relying on their own power instead of God’s. They were also building fame for themselves rather than giving thanks to God. When we work or do anything, we do it in God’s strength and for His glory. God created us to glorify Him, not ourselves.

Big Truth: God loves his children.

All that God does and all that He commands for His children stems from His love. No matter what happens in this life, we can trust that God is perfectly loving towards His children.

Activity: Sing “My God is so Big” and remind your child that God is the Rescuer and only He is powerful enough to rescue us.


WRL 2 Year Olds
Daniel and the Very Hungry Lion

Daniel was faithful to God, even when facing scary consequences. He knew that God was bigger than his circumstances and obeying God was more important than obeying a rule that went against honoring God. We can pray for God to help us trust and obey him like Daniel did.

Play: As a family, act out the story of Daniel and the Lions’ Den. Some can be lions. Someone can play Daniel. Someone else can be the king. Talk through the story and play out the roles.

WRL 1 Year Olds
Big Theology for Little Hearts: Creation

Our lesson for Sunday was “God made people,” and we read CREATION by Devon Provencher. This book presents words and phrases that relate to creation: out of nothing, garden, image of God, rest, marriage, roles, be fruitful, good, fall, and new creation. From these pages, our Littles are learning foundational truths about God’s world.

WRL Babies
God hears me.

This week’s lesson for our babies is “God hears me.” Just like your child can hear your voice, God can hear her voices as well. Talk with talk with your child and as she “talks” back, tell her how much you love hearing her voice. Tell her that God also loves to hear her voice and she can talk to Him at anytime. Pray the Lord’s Prayer over your child, demonstrating a way we can pray to God, trusting that He hears us.