WRK 4th-5th Grade
New City Catechism Q&A 37
We are on Q&A 37: How does the Holy Spirit help us?
The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, and he enables us to pray and to understand God’s Word.
WRK Kinder-3rd Grade
Gospel Project
Scripture Memory
“No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is himself God and is at the Father’s side–he has revealed him.”
John 1:18
Click here for some motions to help with memorization. Click here to print off the verse.
Jesus Calmed a Storm (Matthew 8; Mark 4; Luke 8)
Bible Story Summary: Jesus and His disciples got into a boat and began sailing on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus fell asleep as they sailed. A terrible storm came and water began to fill the boat. The disciples were afraid they would die. They woke Jesus and asked Him to save them. Jesus said to the sea, “Silence! Be still!” The wind and waves obeyed His voice. The disciples were amazed at Jesus’ authority over the wind and the waves.
Big Picture Q&A: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
Christ Connection: Jesus’ disciples knew Jesus was a good man and a good teacher. When Jesus calmed the wind and the waves, He showed His disciples that He is also God. God rules the sea and stills its waves.
Family Discussion Starters:
- How did Jesus show He is God when He calmed the storm?
- How does Jesus’ authority over all creation lead you to worship Him and submit to His rule, even in hard times?
Family Activity: Create a crown and label it Jesus. Look up and read Colossians 1:15-20 and Hebrews 1:2-3, 8. Fill the crown with words that describe Jesus’ authority as King. Display the crown in your home to remind you that Jesus is King.
WRL 3-5 Year Olds
Scripture Memory
“It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
to sing praises to the Most High.”
A little girl and a poor lady
Jesus Storybook Bible pp. 214-221 | Luke 8 | Video
Story Summary: Two people come to Jesus, believing that He could do what only God was able to do. Both Jairus and the women suffering for twelve years shows us what it looks like to approach Jesus in faith. They trusted that Jesus was able to answer their requests, even things as big as raising the dead and healing those suffering!
Big Truth: God is in Control
God is sovereign over everything, meaning He is powerful enough to accomplish everything that He has promised. This, coupled with His goodness and love, helps us trust Him in all things and for all things.
Song: Sing “Peace like a River” and explain that even when things seem hard or scary, we can trust Jesus to take care of us. This gives us great peace, love and joy!
WRL 2 Year Olds
David & the Very Big Giant
This is a true story from the Bible about how God’s used David, a young boy, to defeat an enemy of Israel. While the rest of Israel was afraid, David had faith that God would help him defeat Goliath the Philistine.
Play: Play Tower Tumble. Build a tower out of Legos or blocks with the kids and let them knock it over. Do this multiple times if you’d like. Tell the kids that God loves them and will protect them. He can knock down towers, defeat giants who defy him, and protect the kids’ hearts from evil.
WRL 1 Year Olds
Let There Be Light: An Opposites Primer
Our Littles heard about opposites today and passages that relate to them throughout the Bible (dark vs. light – Jn 1:1-4; above vs. below – Pr 8:28-29; etc.). As you go throughout the week, tell your Littles that God said His creation is good. Point out different things in the world God created and emphasize that they are good, including your child!
WRL Babies
Jesus grew like me.
This week’s lesson for our babies is “Jesus grew like me.” When you attend a 1 year old’s birthday party, you often see a string of photos showing how they have grown from newborn to 12 months old. We can clearly see how the child has grown. Just like our babies, Jesus grew in his first year. As well as his second, third, and so on. Remind your child that Jesus is both fully God and fully human. As a human, he grew up just like they are. Have fun with it and show your baby photos of you growing up!