WRK 4th-5th Grade
How to Grow as a Christian

We are spending the Sundays in June learning lessons from a book called, The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the roots and shoots of faith by Champ Thornton. This Sunday, we learned about sanctification (pg. 16-18).

Big Idea: God wants Christians to grow more and more as they trust and obey Jesus all of their life.

We learned about three spiritual disciplines that we can add to our weekly rhythms to aid in our sanctification.

  1. Prayer (Psalm 62:8) – We grow to be more like Jesus when we prioritize talking to him! We can pray by following the model: Confession, Praise, Thanksgiving, Affirmation, and Petition
  2. God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:15-17) – By engaging with God’s Word regularly, we will grow and mature as Christians because we will know more about what God is like and how we are to be more like Jesus.
  3. Sharing – Sharing is talking with other Christians about what God is teaching us. By participating in sharing, we allow other Christians to help us on our faith journey. God created each of us to be a part of a community, and sharing the good and bad parts of our lives with others strengthens our trust and obedience to Jesus.

Challenge for the month of June: We are challenging each other this month to memorize the books of the Bible! (If your child has already memorized the books, he or she can memorize Psalm 1, Psalm 23, and Psalm 100).

WRK Kinder-3rd Grade
Gospel Project

Scripture Memory

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.”

Hebrews 4:15

Click here for some motions to help with memorization. Click here to print off the verse.

Jesus was put on Trial (Matthew 26–27; Mark 14–15; Luke 22–23; John 18)

Bible Story Summary: The religious leaders put Jesus on trial. They wanted a reason to kill Jesus. But Jesus never did anything wrong. Caiaphas asked Jesus if He is God’s Son. Jesus said He is. They said Jesus was lying, but Jesus was telling the truth! Jesus was taken to Pilate who questioned Him. Pilate let the crowd decide what to do with Jesus. The crowd chose to free Barabbas and crucify Jesus. Pilate handed Jesus over to the crowd to be killed.

Big Picture Q&A: How is Jesus the perfect Priest? Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for sin, and He speaks to God the Father for us today.

Christ Connection: Jesus was unfairly sentenced to die although He did no wrong. Jesus was the perfect substitute for us, dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead. Everyone who trusts in Jesus has forgiveness and life with God forever.

Family Discussion Starters:

  • In what ways was Jesus’ trial unfair?
  • What made Jesus the perfect substitute for us?

Family Activity: Choose and make a recipe in which a substitution can be made, such as unsweetened applesauce for vegetable oil in brownies. When the food is ready, lead the family to taste it and discuss whether the new ingredient was a good substitution. Remind kids that Jesus was the perfect substitution for us because He took our punishment and He offers us new life.

WRL 3-5 Year Olds
Scripture Memory

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

2 Corinthians 5:17

A Giant Staircase to Heaven

Pg. 56-61 | Genesis 12-21

Introduction: In Genesis 12, God makes a promise to Abraham. Abraham and Sarah have faith in God, but they still have a hard time trusting Him. Regardless of how our circumstances make things look, we can trust God’s promises because God is faithful to keep all He promises us!

Big Truth: God loves his children.

All that God does and all that He commands for His children stems from His love. No matter what happens in this life, we can trust that God is perfectly loving towards His children.

Activity: Sing “Father Abraham”. Remind your child that God kept His promise to Abraham and gave him a son. Through Abraham came Jesus who came to rescue all of us!


WRL 2 Year Olds
Jonah and the Very Big Whale

Jonah disobeyed God’s call to go to Nineveh and tell them to repent, or change their sinful ways. Jonah tries to flee from God but God redirects his plans and Jonah ends up in Nineveh anyways. When God shows mercy to Nineveh because they repent, Jonah is upset. God has shows us great mercy and accepts Jesus’ punishment on the cross instead of punishing us.

Play: Play Simon Says with your kids and tell them that listening to God is the most important thing we can do. We can listen to him by reading his word from the Bible and praying to him.

WRL 1 Year Olds
Big Theology for Little Hearts: The Gospel

Our lesson for Sunday was “Jesus is Alive!” and we read The Gospel by Devon Provencher. This book presents words and phrases that relate to the gospel: God, man, rebellion, punishment, Jesus, perfect man, sacrifice, resurrection, response, eternal life.. From these pages, our Littles are learning foundational truths about how much God loves them.

WRL Babies
God Helps Me

This week’s biblical concept for our babies is “God helps me.” For those who believe, God gives the Helper, the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16,26). As you do things to help your Little this week teach him that God loves him and pray that he would know God and experience the help He offers through His Spirit.