WRK 4th-5th Grade
How to Read Stories in the Bible
We are spending the Sundays in June learning lessons from a book called, The Radical Book for Kids: Exploring the roots and shoots of faith by Champ Thornton. This Sunday, we learned the lesson How to Read Stories in the Bible.
Big Idea: God is the Hero of the Bible who rescues people who do both good and bad things.
We talked this morning about how God made us to appreciate and imitate someone greater than ourselves. We are all wired for worship. When we read the stories in the Bible we see that they focus on the true Hero of the story, God.
Challenge for the month of June: We are challenging each other this month to memorize the books of the Bible! (If your child has already memorized the books, he or she can memorize Psalm 1, Psalm 23, and Psalm 100).
WRK Kinder-3rd Grade
Gospel Project
Scripture Memory
“I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, on the sea, and everything in them say, Blessing and honor and glory and power be to the one seated on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”
Revelation 5:13
Click here for some motions to help with memorization. Click here to print off the verse.
Jesus was Raised (Matthew 27-28; Mark 15-16; Luke 23–24; John 19-20)
Bible Story Summary: Three days after Jesus died, Mary Magdalene went to His tomb. The stone was moved and Jesus’ body was gone. Peter and John raced to the tomb and also saw that Jesus was not there. Mary stayed at the tomb and cried. Jesus spoke to Mary while she cried, but she did not recognize Him. Then Jesus said her name and Mary recognized Him. Mary told the disciples that Jesus is alive.
Big Picture Q&A: How is Jesus the perfect King? Jesus perfectly rules over the universe as the King of kings.
Christ Connection: Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but He didn’t stay dead. God was pleased with Jesus’ sacrifice and raised Jesus from the dead on the third day to reign as King over all creation. Jesus provides salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life.
Family Discussion Starters:
- What did Jesus’ friends expect to find when they looked in the tomb?
- Why is it important that Jesus did not stay dead?
Family Activity: Search online for the recipe to make Resurrection Rolls, and make the treat as a family. Discuss why the empty tomb is good news for us and how the resurrection of Jesus proves that Jesus is the Son of God and King over all creation.
WRL 3-5 Year Olds
Scripture Memory
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.“
The Girl No One Wanted
Pg. 70-75 | Genesis 29-30
Introduction: We learn from today’s story that God’s view of people is not based on outward appearances or actions, but on their hearts. God’s loves by a different standard, and we should love like He does. Jacob looks at the two sisters and falls in love with Rachel because of her outward beauty. This causes Jacob to treat Rachel with favoritism. But God blesses Leah with a child and God’s line is through Leah, not Rachel.
Big Truth: God loves his children.
All that God does and all that God commands for His children stems from His love. No matter what happens in this life, we can trust that God is perfectly loving towards His children.
Activity: Sing “He’s Got the Whole World”. Remind your child that God cares deeply about him or her.
WRL 2 Year Olds
Never Too Little
This story comes from Mark 10:13-16. The disciples wanted to stop people bringing their children to Jesus, but this is what he said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Jesus wants us to be his friends, and to follow him as King of our lives. But you don’t have to pay to enter God’s kingdom, and you can’t learn it by being good. As this story tells us, “You don’t have to be a great, big, super-good, important person to be God’s friend”. Instead it’s like a little child getting a present. It’s a free gift. Jesus welcomes everyone who comes to him like a child and puts their trust in him.
Play: Take turns “spying” things around the room. Tell the kids that Jesus always sees them and cares for them no matter what!
WRL 1 Year Olds
Our God: A Shapes Primer
“Almighty God, you are visible in all your glorious creation. Grant us eyes to see you in our everyday world, that beholding your glory, we may be shaped by your Spirit ever more in your image. Amen”
This book presents different shapes and passages that relate to them throughout the Bible. As you go throughout the week, point out different shapes to your Littles and explain how to identify different shapes (i.e. triangles have three sides, circles have no sides, etc.). Tell them that one way God loves us is by helping us learn.
WRL Babies
The Bible Tells about God
This week’s biblical concept for our babies is “The Bible tells about God.” We can begin introducing our Littles to the truths of the Bible even at their very young age.
Tell your Littles that everything in the Bible is true and tells us about God.
Pray over them that the Holy Spirit would reveal truth from the youngest age, and that they wouldn’t remember a day they weren’t walking with God.