Service Order

Movement I – God is God

Call to Worship – Psalm 113:4-8

Congregational Singing
Good God by Jess Ray, Leslie Jordan, and Taylor Leonhardt [Apple Music] [Spotify]

Movement II – We Need Him


Congregational Singing
You Have Been For Us by Clayton Luckie

Movement III – God Gave Us Himself in Jesus

Absolution – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Congregational Singing
Only Name by We the Union [Apple Music] [Spotify]
Nailed to the Cross by Jonathan Smith, Bryan Fowler, and Rend Collective [Apple Music] [Spotify]

Pastoral Greeting

Passing the Peace

Reading of the Word
Mark 10:35-45

Mark 10:42-45
by Jeff Fritsche

Movement IV – We Respond in Faith

Communion & Giving
Remembrance by Benjamin Hastings & Chris Davenport [Apple Music] [Spotify]

Congregational Singing
The Center of It All by Aaron Ivey, Brett Land, Dietrich Schmidt, Jimmy McNeal, & Marcus Dawes [Apple Music] [Spotify]
